Sunday, January 3, 2016

Be brave in facing mistakes we've made

On the other hand, admitting your fault puts you one step closer to dealing with it, and can often be the first step towards a successful turn-around. At the least, though, it shows that you’re someone with integrity and courage, even in the face of disastrous consequences.
Here are a few pointers about ‘fessing up and dealing with your mistakes:
  • See things from someone else’s perspective: If you’ve made a promise and failed to keep it, put yourself in the other party’s shoes and see how things look from there. How would you feel? What would your response be if you were them? And what action would satisfy you?
  • Be sympathetic: Realize that your mistakes might affect many more people than just you, and recognize the pain you’ve caused. A little bit of sympathy can well be the opening you need to set things right.
  • Take responsibility: Don’t try to weasel out of it, and don’t look around wildly for someone else to blame. Even if your failure came about because someone let you down, you’re ultimately responsible for the projects under your authority.
  • Accept the consequences: It’s hard, I know, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet and take your lumps. Few actions come without any consequences at all; be prepared to embrace whatever befalls you as a result of the mistakes you’ve made.
  • Have a plan: Taking responsibility means being prepared to clean up the mess, which means you need a plan. You should have a clear idea of what went wrong and how you can fix it — and how you can avoid it in the future.
  • Be sincere: Don’t pretend to feel sympathy or act phony so that the other person can see how deeply you care. Don’t play the martyr. Show honest emotion — the first step to rebuilding the trust lost.
  • Apologize. No, really. A lot of people go to great lengths to make up for their mistakes — or to hide them — when a simple “I’m sorry” would do the job, and cause a lot fewer hard feelings.
None of these tips will prevent the worst from happening — you may still lose your job, your client, your partner, or your friendship. But you’ll have done so with dignity, instead of disgrace — allowing you to walk away with your head held high.
And by taking full responsibility for your mistakes and acting appropriately, you’ll have set yourself on a path to failing successfully — to learning what there is to learn and moving forward with grace and purpose.
(adapted from

Sunday, December 27, 2015


人生就是不停的战斗,无论是临时抱佛脚,还是平日有烧香,我们都还是一样会为着一些事情付出很多的努力。明天就是解剖学的测验了,可是我还没读完咧! ( 哪有可能读完啊?)


感情里, 有了你,我成长了。






我希望,在这夜里,我能看着又大又圆的月亮慢慢让我好好休息吧! (因为我又失眠了)







如果第一个也是最后一个那该多好呀。 (这句话永远我都会记得)


Thursday, December 24, 2015


时间流逝, 人在成长。而我呢?
每一天, 看见不了了之, 有头无尾的事情, 我不仅自问究竟是我无能还是别人没给与合作? 我本身觉得呢, 就是双方面的问题。 这也好比感情方面, 无论是在亲情, 友情 与 爱情, 只要我们计较谁付出的比谁多,那我们就注定是输了。

所以呢, 人生就注定别计较, 别太认真, 那么我们就能获得快乐人生😁。

Wednesday, December 23, 2015



Friday, May 29, 2015

A day of "Househusband" life

It's a " househusband" day that I hate today the most but this day did let me know something. So, I was busy doing house chores since morning until evening and I felt like if my future is staying in a house and did those SAME house chores everyday, I will get crazy!!!

Of course, every human wish to cheer everyone up by doing the things they ask you to do so and I am the one who always want to do something for my mom like doing some house chores, and for my dad I would like to accompany him and chat with him as many as possible because in the near future September, I will be dispatched to any University that I chosen at Feb 2015.

And now its already 29/5/2015, it left not exactly 4 months anymore. I am worrying about him. However, i know that if we are worrying the things that haven't come yet it's a waste of time. So, what I can do is tried my best to do something for them.

As I said earlier, every human wish to cheer everyone up by doing the things they ask you to do especially the one you cares. However, I might have a choosing difficulty!!! OH NO!!!!

you know, I was a person who are obtuse but dedicated, looks like serious but actually i am kind. unfortunately, not everyone can understand me ... nah it's okay la ... as long as the one you love understand you then it is enough.

back to topic, I mean I wish to something but i cant decide which one should I do first and put priority. Eh, human .. human... why you are so greedy...?

And now only I knew the facts of
You can't cheer everyone up, and when you reach a certain timing, there's something that forces you to growth better in your mind. You must know how to use communication skills to reject others and not too direct that might makes a relationship between a friends or couple or family to be broken.

Moreover, right now, I am being forced by something and pressure from family... I cannot be like the me before. I cannot be like passive, silent, quiet, obedient.

when I recalled back what I did in the past 17 years, I realized that I am too Obedient!!!!!
although that time, I used to convinced my self that I am bad enough because I tried to truancy once or twice.

hahaha so immature that time. but , Now, I will not be that obedient. It's must be a rational explaination and convince only I will hear.

Haha, I am too "clever" enough to follow all the instruction given by mom. Am I a robot in past 17 years?
Muahahahaha .. of course, I will say YES, I AM A ROBOT in past 17 YEARS!!!

For now , after I went to KMK (Matriculation Kedah) I feels like the world outside is different from what my mom told me.

1. Friends are a tools.

Before this, i always think like this. But now i realize friends is actually that can help you to solve problem, stay with you no matter you are happy, or upset or in a depression. She / he will be always be with you.
And Luckily, I do met one of it which is my girl friend, the prettiest and the most beautiful girl in this world, in my heart and in my eyes.
and she is Vivian Kong.

See.. so beautiful right ?

and here's come me BLEK haha
So handsome right ? bahahaha .. yea i am doing this crunchy fried ice cream.. 

haha we were a stranger before going KMK. After that I was deeply attracted by her smile, her action, her voice, her singing, her eyesight, her caring and friendly attitude, her laugh, her motherly ability and ...........

we were having a gap before we deeply know each other.
Before photographer get angry LOL

After photographer get angry...
HAHA this was the different... how we from a stranger and slowly turn into couples together which is my dream too when I started to pay attention on her.

thank Vivian, for being with me every time, every moment in KMK..
I LOVE YOU, Vivian!!!!!

May we are able to stay together till the end of our life. XD
I believe it can, so will you walk with me no matter how hard the road is, how many obstacles are.. I will always be with you and choose you.

You're the special girl that I ever meet.

Let's stay together and be happy every day ~

Monday, May 11, 2015

I am back!!!

Bahahaha, i am back from my matriculation college... YEAH!!!!!!!

Actually, I wanted this post to be the post of my matriculation life...  Baaah ... left it away first... gonna post some emotional stuff here....

I am just wondering how many percent did I have growth since  end of May 2014 to end of April of 2015 ..

From May 2014, I was just a person who are always having a wall to prevent others to come near me because I am a person who are always suspect others is coming near for a purpose, such as gonna use me to help them for some purpose, ask me doing stupid stuff like giving those advertising flyers from house to house like what my teachers ask me to do ...

So. I've been setting a wall for me to prevent others to come near me as well as for me too ...

But, since I have became Vivian Kong friends, I realize that everyone should have a chance, a fair chance for everyone no matter how he or she looks like, how he or she act like. We should gives them a chance to become our friends...  There are no limitation for us to become friends of someone...

Although there might be some jealousy occurs, we are still able to become a friends of each other...

and what she taught me is about "TRUST"

that is not easy to trust somebody, when you are able to trust on somebody, they will be happy and you will feels like the world is going the way you want because when you trust on somebody you will feel relaxed and you will be able to see the world different from your before...

despite my trust wasn't growth much in level  ... but i think i already make it to 40% to trust others dy.... it is a great improvement for me... as we know, we can learn  a bad things in 3 days but when we want to become nice again, it might takes years!!!!

Hence, I believed that i will able to do it until 99% ... where is another 1 % ?
haha that 1% is the way for you to think another method to do something if they betray you.... because when they betray you , you will already have another way or method to prevent it and continue doing the work you want to do....
so never trust on people 100%
but, we can trust on 99 %

Furthermore, she also taught me that never try to lie ... especially those white lies that doesn't come...
From the occurrence we experienced i knew that , what we promised, what we said we have to responsible for it...
Once the words come out from your mouth, you have to carry the responsible for it no matter you are just joking or seriously...
For example, when my friends ask me to go to their room to get back the books, i promised them in 6 minutes i will reach.. but end up i go take it after 5 days...
then i can feel that my friends having a bad impression on me....

so it can be apply in our life too ... in our future too...

we have to be at time even it is a meeting or gathering ... because no one loves to wait others including ... while waiting actually we can do many things, but normally we will spent our time in waiting someone... for the one you wait is valuable to wait then is okay, how about those who are not valuable ... ?

Ended up i can concluded she has taught me that i should be on time.. and do what you have promised... lastly trust on somebody is a easy job but not to trust 100%

Thanks vivian, i can be the one different than before ...
thanks for being with me whole programme of matriculation... i wish to tell you that i love you ...

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Stand STRONG!!

Yo, whats new recently??
Its a brand new year leh....
I remember what I planned before but hahahaha..... i can proudly to say that.. I am manage to do 3 out of the 15 below

那个list 是这样的:

1. 12.30 前睡觉
2。 每天至少喝够 4 l 的水 
3。 不要把自己的东西给别人制造麻烦
4。 不要再想世上只有自己才能相信,因为还有“朋友”这个东西
5。 把之前堆在书厨的书本看完
6。 把小提琴练好来 XD  (靠女啊? 哈哈)
7。      限定自己一年能够吃20 次快餐罢了
8。      学会左手写字
9。      学会弹钢琴
10。    养成储蓄习惯
11。    学会煮饭(至少10 道)XD
12。    开心时,就大声笑,让人觉得你是sot 的那种 (哈哈)
13。    累时,立马休息,不要拖
14。    的空就关心下朋友?
15。    忘记之前的伤悲吧

let you guess which one bah....
12, 15 3, 11, 8,10

so now this are the plan to this year
1. showing my love to everyone
2. try to speak more... no need to be a silent reader or silencer there
3. tear off poker face
4. learn how to use colouronogy
5. take care of my parents
6. do my best in teaching people for performance
7. be more caring and observable
8. hug a cat so that I can prevent it come in my room and defecate in my bed.
9. always attach to my tagline ... ngeee as long as you smile, everything will go the way as you want
10. keep calm like Calc LIM

thats all ba ?

haha sorry for long time didn't update blog..
you know recently 24 hours is insufficient for me to use even though i didn't sleep.
so what to do?
well, we"ll see in the future .....
life will still going on.... weeping ... emoing .... happy .... facing and hard ship ... or what else.... you still have to be determined and stand strong so that you can have a better life.... tears only get symphayze from others, but when you stand strong until you achieve your target which mean you are able to caught them in surprise!!

Xarren, you can do it !!!! I believed that !!!! STAND STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^>^